Mostly Newts

Where we mostly sell newts, but also some other things too.

How I operate

All of my newts are responsibly captive bred and fed a healthy diet of live worms, pellet, and frozen foods so that when you take them home they will gladly eat a variety of food items. I do this to make sure that the newts are not only healthy in my care but will remain so when they are in your care.

My history

I have been keeping aquariums for a few decades now, both low tech and high tech tanks. I started originally keeping newts as simply an extension of my aquarium hobby. But, I quickly came to enjoy having newts more then any other critter you could put in an aquarium. Aquatic newts are friendly, bold, and interesting animals that make excellent pets for anyone willing to care for them. It was a natural progression to go from only keeping newts to sharing them with others.